SLR Magic 70mm T4 1.33x Anamorphot-Cine Lens for PL Mount
SLR Magic 70mm T4 1.33x Anamorphot-Cine Lens for PL Mount
The ANAMORPHOT-CINE 70mm T4 PL MOUNT is a 1.33x horizontal squeeze Anamorphic lens for PL mount cameras. The 70mm PL mount features a Full frame image circle. SLR Magic are known for their fast prime cine lenses and Anamorphic lens adapters and have combined the two to create the new dedicated anamorphic lens series. The 70mm 1.33x Anamorphot-CINE Lens delivers a complete, one-piece, anamorphic lens with a maximum aperture of T4.
The lens features geared focus and aperture rings, a minimum focus distance of 1.1m, and an 82mm front filter thread that allows you to screw in filters, and dioptres to reduce the minimum focus distance. Please note that the front of the lens rotates as you focus, which may affect your choice of matte box. Included with the lens is a hard transport case.